There has to be some consolation for being 55, or at least I
told myself that.

When I was young, I read voraciously. I would pick up 10-15
books a week to read, and my favorite genre was (of course) mystery. I’d nearly
polished off all of the Wolfes, when I realized that there was one that I
hadn’t read. I debated finishing the series off, but something held me back,
and like a fine wine, I decided to let it sit for a while before I read it.
Forty years after that, I decided it was time. I have to say
that it wasn’t the best in the series (I’ll post my top 5 Wolfes in a week or
two), but it was a great one to hold back. It’s one of the few cases that
involves a kidnapping, and Wolfe makes some fascinating deductions up front
that help the reader going forward.

Without giving away the plot too much, Stout used a certain
device that let me know who the murderer was before the final showdown with the
killer. I think it would have been a stronger plot without that particular
ploy, which immediately telegraphed the killer to me. However, it was a
pleasure to read, and made the sting of aging a little less this year.
I’ll have to come up with a new to me series for 60, since
I’ve finished off most of the series that could probably be recommended to me.
Be brave about old age! It has its consolations. That's an interesting story about this final book, and you have made me curious to read it...